
Showing posts from October, 2020


  I enjoyed the gaming lesson and learning how to create an infographic. I already incorporate gaming into my classroom, so it was good to read about how truly affects the students learning. I have never been big on technology, so creating an infographic was challenging for me. But I enjoyed it. I was challenged in so many ways. First, I do not like recording myself, I get very nervous. Secondly, technology is my weakness and its an area that I need to grow in and find complete confidence in.             To say the least, this course challenged me to be more tech savvy and tech educated. I hve learned how to incorporate technology into my lessons. I have learned how to be patient and try new and different things with my students. Honestly, for my student population, I would like to take the knowledge of gaming options and web-based assessments. I think this will benefit my students the most.

Integrating Technology Across the Discipline for Special Education                                                                                 Summary Technology is evolving in education and within the classroom. More and more you see teachers using nearpod, canvas, and other technologies in their classroom. They are incorporating it into their lessons. The UDL is a framework that offers equal opportunities for all students to learn. UDL is best known for its three core principles of providing: (1) multiple means of representation, (2) multiple means of expression, and (3) multiple means of engagement (Roblyer & Hughes, 2019).

Assistive Technology

  The student population I teach is challenging because technology is difficult for them to grasp. I often use nearpod a lot because all my students seem to understand it better. I also use programs that offer read aloud for my students. All of my students have read aloud as an accommodation on their IEP. I make sure to use a projector when going over guided notes. I read the notes and provide a visual for all my students. Blended learning maximizes class time for active learning, student-centered learning, and individual learning (Roblyer and Hughes, 2019).   Reference Hughes , M.D.R.J. E. (2018).  Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching . [MBS Direct]. Retrieved from

Web-Based Assessment

    Student’s Name: _________________________________________   Infographic Rubric     Criteria Exemplar (5) Developed (4) Limited (3) Appearance/ Neatness The text and the illustrations are visually appealing, clear, and colorful.   The text and the illustrations are clear and colorful.   No more than a few smudges or stray marks are visible. The text and the illustrations are adequate and clear.   More than three smudges or stray marks are visible. Content Knowledge Exceptional idea development with supporting details written in the author’s own words, or correctly credited if quoted. Satisfactory idea development with some supporting details written mainly in the author’s own words, or correctly credited if quoted. Unclear, incorrect, or limited idea development with lack of details.   Author’s ...